Anyone who thinks that any elected official from dogcatcher to President is going to be "as advertised" for a full term or whatever has visions of butterflies colored in their favorite colors.

Sometimes chit has to happen that not everyone who voted for someone is going to like. Our country has become so politicized that politics alone becomes the driving force for everyone. That in itself is a sad fact that stifles movement of any kind, positive or negative.

At least Trump didn't walk up to the red line and not notice it. Will this solve the world's problems? No way. The world didn't get in the mess it's in in the few minutes that this strike occurred. At least the MSM has something new to discuss today. Whoopee!

It's official. I missed the selfie deadline so I'm Maser's sock puppet because rene and the Polish half of the fubar twins have decided that I am.

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