Originally Posted by 458 Lott
We run studless winter tires on all but one of our cars. Studs may have an advantage over the blizzak, nokkian etc when brand new, but it seems after about a 1/2 season of mostly highway driving the studs get worn down and bent over and aren't any better than the studless winter tires. Need to get the what few studs are left removed from my son's truck's tires.

We're still going to have some spots of black ice on our hill while the snow melts, flows across the road and freezes up in the morning so I'm in no rush to remove the winter tires. We had a stream running through our driveway with all the snow up the hill melting yesterday.

My wife's Rav4 wears Blizzak tires, and so a FWD car I drive to work. My truck keeps the same all-season tires year long. I will be replacing the winter tires any time now. Earlier this week we got a couple of inches of sort of wet and heavy snow that turned to ice on the road. It was early in the morning, and I was glad I had Blizzaks on my car, because there were cars sliding off the road all over the place. I saw three off the road on the Richardson near the Army post, and four on the Parks near the airport. I made it to work ok smile