Some places have them and some don't. Most places don't from my experience. mad I think slumlord and Huntsman22 are both in an area that had a lot of activity for a long time.

A guy I know has a spot that he can always find flint chips, most times find a broken point and every now and then after a good rain you might find a whole point. He found a very nice Savannah River point there a month ago. It is on a hill next to a creek drain and if you go 30 yards from the center of the area in any direction there is nothing. We have found a bunch of pottery and found points and flint down to nearly 4 feet when we decided to just dig, to see what was there. Thinking is that this might have been a campsite that was used over the years and the points were being made there.

I love seeing these points on this thread and especially the way slumlord shows them before he picks them up. I'd never be able to do that. I'd have to grab it to see if it was whole.

The size differences in the points I have seen found in SE Georgia vs the points Huntsman22 is interesting too. Just seldom see a very small point around here yet in Colorado they seem to be fairly common finds.

Keep them coming guys!
