I did end up going with Lee Schantz, worked out well, knows his stuff when it comes to calling and put in the scouting time the week before. The first week of the season he had 4 tags in camp, including his dad. Three went over 900 lbs. The week I was there it was pretty windy which makes calling much harder. When we finally saw this one he gave me the choice, he said we might find better but maybe not. Most of the really large ones are taken the first week. I thought it over for about a minute then took the shot. It gave us Wed. to get it weighed and to the processor and then we chased partridge for a couple of days. When I weighed it in it was in the top 10% of those weighed the second week.

It was a Remington Factory Load, 250g Soft point.

"My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income."