The trout were numerous, as were the bugs hatching but no solid set of rises so fished nymphs, the plus there is that the gillie said salmon often grab trout flies. There were some salmon in the river and I saw one roll. I fished his 9' 6 weight with typical flies I would have fished, a hares ear and a pheasant tail. With the color of the water they were not leader shy and I'm guessing we were fishing 3X with size 14-16 flies. Much heaver than I normally use. Average trout are not big and average 1/2 lb so most of what I caught was pretty average. I caught 12-15 fish in three or four hours and had a great time.

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Typical boxes but much more organized than mine!

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I've caught a fair number of trout in my life but not any under the ruins of a castle before!

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Truly a great trip and this was only one stop of it.

Last edited by Pugs; 05/19/17.

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