Well , Mr Wapiti, There's a chance you may be one of those people who truly expect fair treatment and equality for all. You are to be applauded for those ideals but this world, nature and the people in it don't behave that way, and most probably never will. I used to complain to a neighbor of mine (a retired F&G enforcement officer) , that the hunts in Idaho were not organized to properly manage the resources, namely game animals. His response was " they never were , and never will be, it's all about managing people to maximize money " . I can't explain how a controlled hunt with fewer tags than ten could be made fair for non-residents, under current quota regulations, because the non-resident is just " chit out of luck ". The system is run by people accountable to the residents of the state Idaho not Iowa and like the elk who is feeding one minute and running for his life from a hunter the next, it just ain't fair!!!. Remember the elk hate us all equally, that's a good sign ,maybe we are headed in the right direction after all.
Good Hunting