My wife and I arrived in the USA, still bright eyed and bushy tailed. Our 4 suitcases contained all of our worldly goods, including my mechanics tools, having sold our cars, motorcycle, furniture and household goods in South Africa. I came here to train BMW technicians at a dealership here in Atlanta on a 12 month contract. Well, after 3 months I pretty much knew that I wanted to make America my home and set the wheels in motion for my green card. BMW was apparently pleased with me too, because they went to bat for me in extending my work visa so I could continue training technicians. Fast forward 5 years and we had our resident alien status granted (and many thousands of dollars in legal costs etc), our first child was born a US citizen, and the second wasn't far behind. We became citizens in 2000, my oldest daughter is a USAF Vet, the youngest is married and we are grandparents. I have a successful business, and I count my blessings every day. Life has been good to me, and the opportunity to live a good life is because I live in this great country.

To anger a conservative, lie to him. To annoy a liberal, tell him the truth.

Promoted to Turdlike status 03/17/12