Originally Posted by hardway
That traffic control is illegal per the Federal MUTCD ( manual uniform traffic control devices). Can't mix devices....in other words, can't have barrel, barrel, cone, delineator, channelizer, etc. Not to mention spacing, taper length, pre warning signs, and so on. A novice lawyer could have that construction company paying to fix that Morons car no problem. I've sat through hour after painful hour of traffic control training and it doesn't matter if it's an interstate, county road, etc.....better have your [bleep] together because the actual person responsible for setting that up or approving it (i.e. Inspector, foreman, city manager) can be held criminally responsible. The driving public is more retarded than a herd of sheep.
It doesn't take too much intelligence on the part of the driver to see that she wasn't supposed to turn there, but looking at the barrels and posts, the spacing and the change from barrels to posts COULD lead a dense person to think that she had an opening into a turn lane. The gap is big enough to drive a truck through.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.