"Ugly is as Ugly does" sorry, I couldn't help myself.

22 LR is so darn much fun when there's finally a bunch of ammo available to test drive.

Each 22LR rifle and pistol wants what it wants and the fun is finding the best ammo for that one and setting aside a "few" boxes!

Jim, I'm tempted to work on the stock but if it's repeatable with AutoMatch I'll leave it alone and work on a couple centerfire projects that are feeling neglected.

The stocks are simple and solid so I'll likely leave it alone other than scrubbing some neglected crud and gum out and cleaning the bore once more.

Semi autos are nice but i'll always be a bolt action guy.

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen