Originally Posted by nighthawk
Can't keep my mouth shut tonight, dang it.

For real surface rust, no pitting, I'll clean it off with 0000 steel wool and then a quick rub with Oxpho and that 0000 stuff. You don't even need oil-free steel wool. The purpose is to restore any little bit of blue color I rubbed off. Only a light shade difference if that. Then let it sit overnight, Oxpho likes to sit overnight. Then a rub with 0000 over the area lightly just to blend. Guess I don't have a discerning eye, I can't find the spot again. BUT we're talking just a little surface rust here.

Oxpho has the property of converting any microscopic red rust - can't get it all - into iron phosphate (it's black) which cuts subsequent rusting tendencies. Those microscopic particles of red rust pick up water from the atmosphere which can accelerate rusting.

But I claim no oracle status on this, not even close.


Oh yeah, bronze wool. Tried it and liked the finer steel wool better (I use it with a light touch). Not to knock bronze wool, I think it comes down to technique which is an individual matter.

I made some pretty cheap pawn shop finds look almost new....