Originally Posted by SKane
Just looked up the regs - appears a vest is in play now??

It is a violation to:
· hunt big game with a rifle, hunt in
a designated rifle-only season, or
accompany a rifle hunter without

~ a vest (an outer garment that
covers the torso) of scarlet,
bright yellow, blaze orange or
white or any combination of
these colours. The vest may
include a small label or crest not
exceeding 100 centimetres² or
15 inches² (3 inches by 5

~ a high-visibility garment carrying
a Canadian Standards
Association (CSA) label stating
CAN/CSA Z96. This designation
includes Z96-02, Z96-09 or Z96-
15 (indicates the year the
standard was updated). Both
class 2 (vest) or class 3
(coveralls) garments are lawful
hunting apparel.

~ headwear must be scarlet, bright
yellow or blaze orange (white is
not allowed). The headwear may
include a small label or crest not
exceeding 50 centimetres² or 7.8
inches² (2.6 inches by 3 inches).

Good God almighty, German lederhosen would be simpler!

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.