Texted: "he was being chased by a bear"?

WTF is that??? Texting on cell phones ain't a defense.... whatever poor one might come up with. How serious was the "chase" if he could text?

Neither is running much of a defense.... facing down the bear with an aggressive strategy might have worked, or maybe not. Fleeing as a prey animal would just isn't going to work out well. Never, ever, run from a predator. At best, you might get away with retreating slowly, facing it.

But then, what does a 16 year old city kid know about real-country reality? It sounds like there was survivability potential there, that the kid was not educated to.

That's just heartbreaking, even from a removed perspective. From a parental/ family one, more so.

Last edited by las; 06/19/17.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.