I heard this last week; lies, damn lies, and statistics. Since traffic has nearly doubled, the conclusions you can draw are that since accidents went up slower than the increase, pot makes driving safer (probably not true), more traffic makes it safer, or the people who did the study already had a conclusion they wanted.

How about the increase in tinted windows, large pillars for air bags and head rests that block drivers vision (and cell phones). I cannot see a person walking down the sidewalk from the right in my wife's car, the pillar with the highly slanted angle, mirror, and headrest block the whole view. You can see little backward in the mirror, and the backup camera only works in R.

The whole BS about the sudden use of MJ when it was legalized when no one used before makes as much sense as the woman who told me that since CC was legalized, now robbers will have guns. I got news for you, robbers already had guns, and potheads already smoked.