You've been given very good advice by the others on this board, If you'll allow it, I'd like to add my .02 cents, having had two double hernias repaired.

Be very selective of your surgeon (not all are as good as others) and then listen to him. An other patient who had the surgery the same day as I took a cab home from the hospital and went to work the same day. Ripped himself wide open and required a lot of painful repair work. Because the surgery doesn't take all that long, it's easy to think of it as minor. It's not. Recuperation period is about three weeks although it may take longer for a full recovery.

Your recliner will be your best friend. Because you never fully recline in one your abdominal muscles aren't stretched as they would be lying in bed; speeds up recuperation and diminishes pain. After a week or two in the recliner your first time in bed will be uncomfortable but not painful. This'll help you get off those awful pain meds much sooner. Both times, I've taken Percoset (sp)upon arrival home, slept for twelve hours and switched to Tylonal as required for the duration. Get off that pain medication as quickly as possible to avoid addiction.

Best of luck to you and I'll throw in a prayer for you tonight.

Alonzo Tubbs