Well, I had to go to Shreveport this morning (I think I had rather go to the dentist) and stopped by Academy and Wal Mart. Academy didn't have any CCI Standard Velocity and this is the first time I haven't seen any in the last couple of months. I had to drive by a Wal Mart, so I stopped in just to see what they might have. Lo-n-behold, CCI SV, They had about 30 50 rd boxes. Told the lady I wanted 10... wouldn't sell me but 3. So, I got 3 and left. Went by 2 other Wal Marts and they didn't have any.

While on Wal Mart, I been looking for some sticky targets to take to Quemado. Local Wal Mart wants $7.79 for the variety pack, so I ordered them online and saved. One of the stores I went into today had the same variety pack for $4.99. Different stores = Different prices!

Old Turd- Deplorable- Unrepentant Murderer- Domestic Violent Extremist

Just "Campfire Riffraff and Trash"

This will be my last post! Flave 1/3/21