Originally Posted by saddlesore
It's unbelieveable what good cow working mules are doing now days.

Years ago,I was buying weanlings out of NW New Mexico.Those Arizona and Utah cowboys would buy every yearling/ weanling they could from this fellows herd of walker mares.. I had to pay 1/2 when the mare was bred and the balance when the foal was dropped or I could never buy any .

Those desert cowboys liked those long legged walker mules for those big gathers in the rough country and heat. Mules can stand the heat a lot better than a horse.They would wear out 3 horses a day, but the mules worked every day without a rest.

There is a Mexican fellow down near the ghost town of Riley in New Mexico, that is west of T or C and a little south.Typical desert, rock, cactus country.He does all his cow work off of mules.

You can sure go thru a lot of bad mules before you find one that suits you and you suit it.There is getting to be about as many disreputible mule dealers as horse dealers..

Saddlesore I rode a walking mule one time and man o man was that a smooth fun ride. That thing was a thing of beauty and covered ground like crazy. They wanted a pretty penny for him though and he was worth every penny but it was more than I was going to spend. Plus a mule like that needs more of a job than what I would have gave him.