Originally Posted by jorgeI
Glad you think so, but like your comments TOTALLY irrelevant. The South's cause was lost after the first round was fired in Charleston, but your comment of "where was he"? is not only irrelevant, but stupid. Akin to saying "where was Rommel when Stalingrad fell"? Forrest's campaigns were mainly in another AOR, which was my point (and factual, NBF never lost one). Sorry I over tasked you..

O.K. In your mind, relevant only has to do with your thought process. Whether Forrest was at those battles or somewhere else, you do have to realize the relevance of Custer's fighting abilities. If Custer had made his reputation by striking supply trains and evacuated battlefields, his relevance may have been inconsequential, but that isn't where he was. This dialogue isn't complete without recognition of great ladership on both sides during the war and forgotten is the fact all of them were Americans and most of them were classmates at West Point.

Custer can't be denied his place in History in regards to the Civil War. Phil Sheridan recognized him as one of the most influential generals during the war and to this day, all people want to remember is that he died on a battlefield in Montana and they ridicule him for another war they know nothing about.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.