Here is Justin Utley besides the P100 Logo. Besides winning the the President's Hundred, Justin also won the Pietroforte Trophy, the aggregate of the individual score for National Trophy Individual (NTI) and the National Trophy Team Match (NTT)

As a side recognition for the civilians shooting in NTT, the Elihu Root Trophy is awarded to the top 6 civilians
Justin posted the highest civilian score, the high man on the 6 man Elihu Root.

The last big team match in CMP is the National Trophy Infantry Team (NTIT), the TX Gold won the match. This match is shot starting at 600 yards from prone position, the match comrmcea as soon as the man size targets are exposed. The 6 man team Hasbro cover 8 targets and sump as many rounds as they could in 50 seconds. After the targets are scored for hits only, while the targets are being pasted, the shooters start walking to the 500 yard line, and race to firing positions as the targets are exposed again. Then move to 300 and shoot at half size targets. The last stage is 200, which no team hardly shoots at, for all their allocated 64 rounds per shooter is all spent.