I recently bought an 82 starcraft 16' riveted hull. she doesn't leak a drop, and the decks had recently been replaced so the interior is great. it sails across the water like a greased fart and the deep hull and vertical sides are comfortable with the wife and kids on board. I wouldn't own a fiberglass boat but that's just me. I paid $2000 for mine a month ago with a 60 horse johnson that runs like a swiss watch. see if you can test drive it first if possible. otherwise get some muffs and have the guy run it in the driveway before you settle on a price. that's what I would do anyway. not sure if the inboard has it's own cooling system or how they operate, might not be able to run it out of the water. if that's the case then insist on testing it, and watch when you pull the plug after leaving the water. if it leaks, proceed with caution.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.