So, I'll be going to Wyoming in 2018 with a group of 7. We'll all have two preference points going into that draw. Any unit advice?

Public access is most important. We're all in good shape, experienced hunters. a few of the group hunted antelope in the 80s but for most of us it'll be our first time doing any "western hunting" We're primarily just looking to be in good antelope country with good opportunities. None of us are worried about the size of the buck.

Lodging is a consideration as well. We have a few that would prefer a cheap hotel/motel. And a few that don't mind camping. Also, taking a camper is an option.

Any and all advice will be appreciated over the next year while planning this out.

Small Game, Deer, Turkey, Bear, Elk....It's what's for dinner.

If you know how many guns you own... you don't own enough.

In God We Trust.