I have both Skinners and XS peeps. My favorite are Skinners. I also have, on my Marlin 1895 a sight that is an aperture blade that replaces the blade with the notch on the factory rear sight of the 1985. I have not wrung it out completely so I do not know if I will stay with it. But, so far, it is doing really well. I had been skeptical of barrel mounted peeps until I tried one on a 22lr and discovered that it was fast and deadly. The blade is called "one ragged hole". I do not have the website, but Warren is the company name.

There was no greater freedom than when I would leave Holiday Park Fish Camp heading my airboat west toward the Big Cypress. Fuel for 4 days, a good machete, an ice chest. No phone, no radio. Just God and me and the Everglades.