Yesterday I had occasion to be north of Sun Valley so on the way home I detoured through the fire area. It's a 20 mile desert road. It's not a bad road for where it is. If you don't mind catching some air on occasion, you can average about 15 mph across it. It's not nearly as bad as the news has been making out. Their big concern was the wooden poles for the power line that feeds the Sun Valley area. A few got scorched but none went down. There's a lot of lava out there that slowed the fire down, enough that there's a lot of unburned space inside the fire line. The road I was on was the northern limit of the fire. It never crossed it. I think most of the burned area along the road was from back fires. In many places it only burned a couple hundred yards and didn't meet up with the fire.
There's plenty of space out there for antelope. So now I wish I'd drawn a tag again.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.