Originally Posted by huntinaz
Overall this has been quite good (except for one bad error or bad metaphor) in the first story, which is too bad because it's a pretty good story otherwise. Some solid work overall though, worth a read if you like short stories. I like short stories. Couple more to go in this one.
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The last couple stories were largely bad. Flashes of excellence notwithstanding, overall a mediocre body of work. Heralded as the next great short story writer, Saunders falls very short in my opinion. Some very good mixed with garbage. Too much writing about things he doesn't understand or has misinterpreted. It's like he does understand a good deal of human emotion and then weaves it into an uninteresting story or ruins a good story with weird dream-state crap. The story Escape From Spiderhead is great. I also like Puppy and and Al Roosten. Flashes of genius in Tenth of December and The Semplica Girl Diaries (although most of this one I did not care for and the good is better captured in Puppy and Al Roosten). Without the futuristic intoxicant nonsense My Chivalric Fiaso would have been a great story.