Tom- good point, and thanks. I'll check that out. Coming back from Steens the other day, the fire south of Sisters was very visible but still small. I heard it blew up. I hope things cool down by then. Steens was HOT and it kinda sucks hunting when it's that hot, not to mention fire danger and getting the meat out in good shape.

Fireball- that kind of advice is very helpful and I appreciate it. Totally different hunt but I've given similar advice to beginning blacktail hunters: have faith, be patient, hunt hard, stay in the game, it'll happen. It can be hard to keep the spirit up when hunting new conditions. I've been up on the top of the Cascades enough to know it's not exactly crawling with deer.

So to recap- look for obscure water holes in marginal habitat up in the lava fields in Three Sisters?

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two