
Back in another lifetime when I did more manly things, I thought nothing of cruising the timber for miles and hiking up to the tops of mountains (ok, you western guys- tall hills) with a rifle in hand. A lesson I learned was that weight in a rifle was important. When I was winded from a long climb and my heart was racing and muscles quivering, I found that a light air-weight carbine was a detriment- sights/crosshairs wavered way more than they normally did and steady aim was impossible until my metabolism slowed down. On the other hand, heavy rifles under the same circumstances were much more hold-still-able. I took to carrying "heavy" rifles as a result, and simply shed a few extra pounds out of my day pack to compensate. When I say heavy, I refer to Model 70, Mauser or Springfield sporter, etc. that weighed 9+ pounds with scope. Nowadays that's a moot point for me. I ain't 50 anymore! No more mountain hiking in my future, thank you very much. Light carbines have again caught my fancy- as long as they're well balanced. (And since my hunting spots are limited to distances where aperture sights are dandy, I eschew scopes on my deer rifles to further their carry-ability. I might sing a different tune were I plopped down in some of y'alls spots.)

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty