Sorry for getting back online since I posted this first message. My computer's Malwarebytes application went haywire and I stayed off the computer mostly because all of this schit malware floating around and us using CC to buy stuff I did not want to compromise my CC and other stuff.

Anyway for the GH...I saw at least two (one bugger than the other) but this past few days they did not show up. Not sure if something got them or what? Normally they come out in the mornings and the evenings. But it is raining today so I doubt they will come out. They are and can be quick if you open the sliding door. I have decided I will shoot my rimfire and will go to the range and verify it is spot on at 25 yards. I will shoot them from my bedroom window on the second floor of the house and since it will be pointing down probably 30 degrees I think I will be safe. I know this will not be a range shooting outing but one shot I think I can nail this sucker and be done with it. I see them out from my kitchen window fairly regularly. And I have seen fox just outside my yard so I know those foxes and other predators can get a GH.

Of course I'd like to get an air rifle but that is around $300 and RF is pretty cheap especially since we have several RF in the house. The reason why I post this question is because I know guys are shooting them with their 223/222 at a minimum and was wondering if the 22 RF will work but after thinking it over, at 25 yards the 22 RF will definitely work. A few years ago I fired a 22RF into a 2X6 weather treated board we have for our garden and if I remember correctly the RF bullet went in the board about 2" so that should be enough for DRT. I however need to kill them before winter sets in...and I rather not go to the poison method just in case they die in the hole and stink up my place. I need to verify if its still around but hard to do when I head to work. Hopefully on the weekend I can catch them ...