I put 265-75-16 rated load range E on my '03 Taco and the last time I had them rotated the tire guy said, "Gee, these are a little too large and rated too heavy for your truck, Why'd you go with these?"
I like them a little stiff and I had him check the mileage, 60K on a 50K warranty tire and they'll last till spring at least....

The only trade off is they're stiff when CRAWLING in rocks and the traction isn't as good as softer tires in Rocks but the sidewalls are as good as new and I'll buy them again for the 99.5% or driving I do.
No flats, no drama, throw a couple elk in back and drive home with a gear trailer behind.

Edit to add, My hunting partner much prefers load range C as they're softer and he's in the rocks a lot more than I am.

Last edited by colodog; 09/02/17. Reason: add comment

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen