How fresh were they? Were they still really wet?

Something I have learned to do is cut about 4" off of one end and take a look at how deep the solution penetrated. I have not only found shallow penetration, but discovered that some posts were actually starting to decay before they were treated. I could sort the posts by just feeling the weight of each post as I loaded and unloaded them.

I only buy from suppliers that kiln dry the posts before they are treated so they will absorb more of the treatment.

Al that said, a lot depends on the soil conditions you put them in. Sandy, well drained soil will allow for a much longer lasting post than will clay that holds a lot of moisture or stays damp.

I've gotten over ten years now out of some posts and they are still holding strong, versus two years out of the ones I discovered that were either already decaying or had minimal absorption, probably because they were still green and wet.


"Not in an open forum, where truth has less value than opinions, where all opinions are equally welcome regardless of their origins, rationale, inanity, or truth, where opinions are neither of equal value nor decisive." Ken Howell