Originally Posted by John_Gregori
Jordan, how about you? Anytricks or have you ever bent over or crawled when loaded with 10x50s or 10x42 binos? I could not get the Rick system to hold binos in place, no matter how I configured the straps.

Any other choice or model that you use that might be better for this purpose?

I've spent a fair bit of time bending and crawling with the RY harnesses, and they've always worked great for me with a 10x42 RF bino. I'm guessing the ability to wrap the straps around the barrels of the bino will depend on the placement of the bridge, and how much barrel sticks out passed the bridge for the straps to hook on to. Some models of bino have the hinge right near the end of the barrels, in which case wrapping the straps around the barrels would have limited effectiveness. Despite that, the RY is the best harness I've seen for using with that technique.