Bought my first bow and this will be my first season bow hunting. I was choosing between a Halon 32 7 and Bowtech Reign 7. I picked the Halon.

Mathews Halon 32/7
QAD HDX rest
Black Gold Ascent Verdict single pin
Easton Buckshot stabilizer (just to have something there lol..)

It's a 31.5" draw currently set to 55# so I can get some practice in. I was drawing 70# with it from the start so I will probably go back to 70# at some point.

I know little to nothing about about arrows or broadheads at this point. I just have my practice arrows and I'm mostly shooting at 20-23 yards. With 32" 300 arrows and field tips I got to where I can easily hit lungs and vitals with confidence. When I tried 25-30 yards the results were mixed. I hope to get get squared away over the next couple weeks.