Originally Posted by ejo
Are you looking for a used bow or a left over new one? If new than almost all the 2017 Mathews will be about the same price (except the Z3) so go with the model you shoot best. Also, remember the 2017s will be considered last years model come November. I shot the majority of the Hoyts, Mathews and Bowtechs last winter and found the Hoyt products to be lacking. I really wanted to purchase a Hoyt so maybe sometime in the future. The Bowtech Reign is about the most adjustable bow on the market and a very nice shooting bow. However, in the end I shot the Halon 32 the best and that is the one I chose. Its personal so go test them out and let us know what you think.

I see I would have to do a lot of exploring on both side,
will try a few 2017 Mathews bows and see how they feel. I should be back with updates before this week runs out.