Originally Posted by byc
Originally Posted by teal
If I'm drinking cheap beer - PBR, Schlitz and Coors yellow cans. None are "light".

Bought a six of Schlitz on sale for $1.99 last week. The Garden Spot owner thanked me for finally buying it. Wonder how old it is?

"Only love is better than Schlitz!!"

5O's and early 60's Schlitz was the best selling and best tasting beer in Chicago.
Then they went to chemical aging and I think Heilemann's bought them just to destroy the brand
tasted rank after that.
Lot's of good beers in those days. Wish they'd bring back the quart bottles of beer.

It was Jerry "Mad Dog" Shriver (SFC E-7)who said:
"No, no, I've got them right where I want them -- surrounded from the inside."
