The idea for the Frankenstud was hashed out between me and my hunting buddies in the high mountains of Colorado.

We wanted a way to eliminate the worry of having a rifle come off your shoulder in rough terrain and still keep it easily accessible.

Combine this with muzzle "UP" carry.

5 prototypes and 2 years of testing in over a dozen hunters hands and we feel we have arrived upon the perfect compromise of ultralight simplicity while leaving your favorite sling on your rifle.

The Frankenstud Slingamarig Sling Stud Sling Keeper

Long name.......simple, ultralight but rock solid.

All this with a simple, forever replacement guarantee

If your Frankenstud Slingamarig Sling Stud Sling Keeper ever breaks I will relace it.

Maker of the Frankenstud Sling Keeper