Deflave: I don't recall right off hand shooting Ground Squirrels from the prone position for 45 minutes (or longer) at a time.
But I do distinctly recall shooting at Prairie Dogs from the prone position for extended periods (well in excess of 45 minutes) many, many dozens of times. This activity will diminish your comfort whilst driving back home at the end of a day of this!
For many years a partner and I would Hunt mountain Rock Chucks high in a remote range of the Rocky Mountains. We would back pack our munitions, gear and Keb-Lab shooting mats into the roadless areas of this range and shoot all day.
We would each usually get 40 to 60 shots a day at long range Chucks. Spending most all day with ones neck crooked at an upward angle WILL make you aware of muscles you never knew you had - via the ensuing pain.
The prone position and the cactus proof Keb-Lab shooting mats are used by me when "hike-in" Colony Varmints are the quarry.
I have numerous swivel benches and swiveling heavy tri-pod shooting stands for use from and near the vehicles.
I am not sure if "yoga" would help with the prone position induced neck strain/pain but it might be worth a try.
Especially, as I age, I prefer shooting from the back of the VarmintMobile off of a swivelling bench or off of roof mounted sand bag set-ups - but hike in prone position Hunts are often more rewarding in several ways.
Hold into the wind