Originally Posted by alpinecrick
Originally Posted by Farmboy1
Originally Posted by alpinecrick
As others have mentioned you'll get a quality built bino. As a general rule I find the alpha stuff easy(er) on the eyes.

Also, Swaro will refurbish them generally for free.

Swaro will upgrade them for a price--usually $300-$500. That includes Swarovision,etc.


You are correct that Swarovski will upgrade binoculars, to newer specs. That mainly includes the older SLC series.

Not the Swarovision, they don't need any changes, since the optics have not changed, since introduction.


My 1990 and 1992 vintage 30mm SLC's didn't have Swarovision coatings, but they do now.

What you mean is they now have "Swarobright" dielectric prism coatings.

A nice upgrade. I have one just like that, I should sell.