Originally Posted by RiverRider
Back when times were much tougher, I worked for one day as a temp extracting honey on a farm just west of Billings. That was back-breaking work!

Beoceorl, how long can honey be heated at those temps without degrading its quality?

As long as you keep the temps below 115 you can warm the honey for a couple of days or more. Usually it doesn't take that long to liquefy it. Temps over 115 will accelerate the breakdown of the Fructose into HMF. Temps above 122 def. F will start denaturing the proteins and enzymes in the honey. You also start driving off some of the essential oils and other volatiles that give the honey its flavor.

So keep the honey container closed, and the temps below 115 deg. F, and the honey will be fine.

Boots were made for walking
Winds were blowing change
Boys fall in the jungle
As I Came of Age