If you haven't picked up your copy yet, you should! It's a wonderful book, filled with both advice and great hunting stories, and written exceptionally well. It has been a pleasure reading it since I got my copy two weeks ago. I could have easily devoured the entire book already, but I'm pacing myself because I don't want to be done! Of course, it will get re-read after the first reading, but then I'll be jumping back and forth to my favorite stories.

A couple of my favorite quotes so far…

From "Window Seat"

"It was odd seeing the land we'd stalked from a viewpoint that, with a little conceit, could be considered God's. It was as if for one brief, almost ungraspable moment, I had glimpsed the way everything fit together: the land, water, and sky, and both hunters and hunted.

And then I was home."

(Amazing piece of writing here, and the whole story was like this!)

From "The Buffalo of the North"

"Hunters often talk of the regret we feel when killing, even though we accept death as part of life, but this feeling went deeper, somewhere back into the time when the world was just us and the animals we chased. The bull grew larger as we walked, and I could see the hard fractures in his horns, the scars of fights with other bulls. Along his nose, was one long scar, perhaps from a near miss by a wolf. We stood for a long moment looking down, and then David reached over and put his arm around me, saying something in Inuktituk. I didn't recognize the words, but understood perfectly: We are alive. We are alive."

Mr Barsness, thanks for writing such a great book. I think I own most everything you've written, and I continue to look forward to each new offering!

(Also, I sure hope you don't mind me adding a couple quotes I really liked from your book!)

Last edited by JohnChilds; 11/08/17.