I'm not a natural when it comes to working with a computer but I've found a simple spreadsheet to be invaluable for keeping load data.

I keep a little note pad in my shooting bag for notes at the range and transfer when I get home.

I have to keep the spreadsheet simple so I'll use it and I try to keep it current with updates every time I change or tweak a load, or when I test a known load in a new/different rifle.

Each cartridge has it's own page, each page is the same format as all the rest.

Headers at the top that help me,
Rifle, Bullet, Powder, Charge Weight, Primer, Over all length, Velocity, Date, Group size, Distance, Notes.

There's always more info you can add , Temperature, Wind, Standard Deviation, Extreme Spread, New brass, Fired brass etc.

The loads that shoot well, I want to be able to duplicate.
The loads that stink, I don't want to waste time trying them twice (after I've forgotten them) Log Everything that You'll use!

I don't want to loose the whole spreadsheet if my computer dies so occasionally I email the spreadsheet to myself and I can always find it there.

Saving to a thumb drive works too and you can list your firearms and their info on a different spreadsheet saved in the same thumb drive.

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen