Originally Posted by satx78247
To All,

As a conservative Texican, I often "monitor" any number of the leftist websites. = Starting in the first hours after the Sutherland Springs massacre, I was horrified (but not at all surprised) by the huge number of leftist radicals who APPLAUDED the bloody massacre.. = One "poster", who calls herself "Jennifer 14", said, "Too bad that he didn't get away & kill a lot more of those stupid, gun-toting (vulgar name deleted) Texans." In another of her posts (about 5 minutes later, " she opined that, "- - - - if we kill the (obscenity deleted) Texans, we can replace them with people who will reliably vote the Progressive Democrat Party line."

yours, satx

And the Left calls us "Haters".

Sax78247, please be careful. There is a lot of toxicity in those sites.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe