This conversation put me in mind of a fellow student' dad who used to travel out here to Montana to hunt every year.

My buddy arranged access as he worked with ranchers all over the state. But his dad always made sure he brought along plenty of gifts for those who's land he hunted on.

See, Frank owned a liquor store in the upper Midwest so he would load up a 12' trailer full of beer and liquor. A lot of premium regional stuff not readily available out in our neck of the woods. While driving out here, Frank would stop at every little bar he came across. Would sit in the bar and visit as long as someone would chat with him. After a while, he'd excuse himself and come back in with a 12-pack of this and a bottle of that. A case of something else and give something to most everyone. Bartender, customers, owner, it didn't matter.

He would do this all the way across during an 800+ mile, one-way trip. He obviously liked his drink and enjoyed sharing booze with anyone and everyone. He would always have some special things for who ever owned the places they were hunting on. One year, Frank had just gotten into Montana and was pretty well out of booze. Called one of his boys back home and they showed up a day later with a pickup bed FULL of booze.

Montana MOFO