Self defense gun with a choke is exactly what that barrel on the A-5 is. As a S-I-L says, you can tell that I am serious when I install the inventor barrel to hunt with the Old Browning.

I use two O/U guns. A twelve Beretta SP IV and a Browning Syprtposed Pigeon Grade twenty. They do have their limitations for follow up shots.

I probably should not have mentioned grandson. Sometimes I still miss him so much.... God knows our number of days before we are born. My continued thanks to God for letting us have him for almost three years. And many thanks to Him that the child's death was instant. There was no suffering on his part. Also, God makes it possible for us to go on. A last blessing, since the kids already had a daughter, there would likely not been more. While trying for another boy, we ended up with not one, but two more beautiful and bright granddaughters. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

BTW, ther mom teaches and their dad farms and ranches. There is something a little different about farm/ranch girls. They have been going to check crops and cattle with their dad ever since they hit sippy cup status. And yes, even the four yo knows the difference between bulls and cows, and it is not just the hump on their back.


Last edited by jt402; 11/21/17.

"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people...who have...rejoiced in their loss of freedom....Blame the people who hail him when he speaks of the 'new, wonderful, good, society' mean , fatly at the expense of the industrious." Cicero