First trip out of the country in 1987 was thru Amsterdam. Eye opener to see airport security walking the aisles with (IIRC) what looked to be full stocked, full auto H&K MP9's. For the last 10 years, Mexico airports always have Marines in full military turn out gear patrolling with something like FN FAL's or SLR's... A few years ago, flew into Torreon the day before Hitlery was supposed to arrive to declare victory on the War On Drugs. My contractor had a week's worth of food in a duffle bag that the drug/bomb dog signaled. He spent 20 minutes with a Marine officer going thru every container of food. Mean while another Mexican Marine stood with an FN FAL at low ready just a few feet away.

My opinion... About time that we got serious with regard to U.S. airport security. The fight has come to us. Touchy feely does not work. I am O.K. with properly trained, visibly armed, security in U.S. airports.