I agree, the design on these facilities are they will be operated remotely so the only human interface is the tanker driver filling up.

I think the niche these will serve is as an extended well flow test that will produce a sales quality crude. If the field proves out, put in a conventional field and pipeline, if not cancel your lease and the facility gets trucked to a new puddle.

Definitely quite a few risks and shortcomings. I can't imagine it'll be cheap to put in gravel roads and pads to remote spots, keep the snow plowed and truck oil 24/7. Not to mention every time you have a phase condition you need to shut in the pad, and how do you keep lines between modules from freezing, etc.

But I don't see much movement from the majors or minors expanding in the near future and BP is making major cutbacks in capital expenditures and maintenance. Yeah, not like that move hasn't bitten them before.