I've used electric fencers for a good many years, battery powered, solar powered, and electricity powered. They all have their uses. It really doesn't take a lot of shocking power to turn livestock, as they learn pretty quick, though I have seen some cows that it didn't seem to faze. I currently have two electric fencers in use......a solar powered Zabera on a stretch of fence that one old cow kept pushing through the wire and eating on the other side, and one that I'm running my horses behind. That one runs off electricity and will absolutely knock the living chit out of you.......I can personally attest to it. Not sure of the brand, but will look sometimes and post it here, as it's a good one. I've found that most work as advertised, as long as they are grounded good enough.

Edit.....fencer brand is Parmak.

Last edited by JamesJr; 12/05/17.