Skip the stupid automatic feeder blind hunts and go straight to the mountains where the real hunting takes place.

I've enjoyed many local authors that produce small paperback books specific to their area and game. My favorite is blacktail deer so I look for anything I can find on hunting them. There's a difference between 99% of the people that hunt any given animal and the 1% that are really good at it. Find the 1% and dog them mercilessly until you take what you can glean from them and develop your own hunting style from there.

It sounds cliche, but hunt how and what you like the most, when and where you want to spend your time the most, and you will love being there so much that the success will follow you like yellow jackets in summer.

One thing I've done now that I've got a few decades under my belt, is I ask myself when out hunting, "What are the odds this will work? Has it worked before and how often?" I put a percentage on it, and then I try to stick to the highest percentage hunts. I'm not just looking to kill game, but to enjoy my time the most, so I take my satisfaction with time spent into account, not just game killed. If I like hunting blue grouse in September in the high country but I never get one, I go anyway.

The way I always look at hunting is, you can't win if you don't play, and you might as well go if you have a tag, gas, and time off.

I'm sure if you figure out what you love and keep doing it, game will fall for you. Good luck!

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack