Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by HIGHLANDERHUNTING
Ever listen to hunting podcasts to make the time go by while you're driving or working?

Nope. A waste of time. Work means working, not [bleep] around. Driving ... I'm either talking to a passenger, listening to the tires howl, or rockin' the [bleep] out. Honestly, I understand trying to make a living by promoting your product here but I think your chosen product is an answer in search of a question. I hope you didn't quit your day job.


Totally understand other people not caring for the medium, which really is just expanded talk radio without commercials.

This uppity attitude is sort of inevitable in changing times, but strange coming from someone on an internet message board. I mean, your local grocery store has a message board why are you wasting your time here?? Maybe your local church uses their door that way as in Luther’s day?

People are so weird.

As for the particular cast at hand, I listened and enjoyed it. I have to say that in addition to the content I really like your accents (I know I know; I am the one with the accent you speak normally wink ).

Gonna keep listening I’d sure love to come up there and hunt with y’all but as an alien I’d have to hire a guide frown .

Nice work!