I live in Nassau county and there is one indoor range for pistols and a skeet range, so not the easiest. I drive about 45 min to Gateway rifle/pistol club, just west of Jacksonville. Some campfire members turned me onto it and its a nice range. You can only shoot out to 200 yds for rifle, but I make it work. In the process of planning either a Wy antelope hunt or NE Mule deer hunt for next fall so would like to find a spot to get out to 300 atleast. Gateway also stocks reloading components for members which is nice.

My Pa buddies come down in the Spring for hog hunts and the beach, in turn they let me be a stander on the good drives when I head north for deer😀. The thing I miss most about Northern hunting is the birds. I miss the hell out of grouse and pheasant hunting, I cant even look at your 2017 upland thread or I get depressed. They have quail and pheasant preserves, but havent gotten that desperate yet. Maybe a dedicated upland hunt up north for next fall.

You get down this way, shoot me a PM.

Stuck in airports, Terrorized
Sent to meetings, Hypnotized
Over-exposed, Commercialized
Handle me with Care...
-Traveling Wilbury's