Originally Posted by huntsman22
I'd gladly pay more, if it meant the NR's would stay home......grin

$750? I'll believe it when I see it.

Originally Posted by WAM
If CPW keeps raising the price of non-resident licenses, they won’t be selling many and will be forced to raise you local boy’s license costs. There is a growing rumbling among our camp that enough is enough. Before you lucky Coloradans scoff too much, remember that CPW is an enterprise agency dependent on user fees to operate. Without the exorbitant NR revenue, the apple cart would be upset for sure. Happy Trails

Your only choices are:
1) Vote with your money and stop going.
2) Be vindictive and vote for people who want to get rid of federal land.
3) Start a bill to change the mission statements of the BLM and USFS to include "negotiate with states for a fair number and fair price for hunting permits". However, corrupt Harry Reid and bunch of his cronies already created and passed a bill(that dum dum GW signed) that says the Feds relinquish all hunting issues to the states. Link

Quando omni flunkus moritati