Now you know why when ever I venture out to the woods in my home state or where it's allowed I wear my XD Tactical in 45acp with 14 230 grain Speer Gold Dots. Had a rather sobering experience three years ago roosting turkeys during spring season. Both my boys asked if they could remain back at the truck in the shade as it was quite hot and a long walk in the sun back to the roost. I said OK. I also left my XD 45 back in the truck and was armed with nothing more than a fixed blade hunting knife.

I no sooner sat down on my folding seat in some waist high brush but I heard what sounded to me as several deer hauling butt towards me and sure enough three does appeared and passed within feet of me oblivious to my presence. Within moments I heard more animals headed my way and this time it was three vary large Farrell dogs. They spotted me quickly and became quite aggressive barking and snarling at me. I usually carry a large 6' long sapling as a walking stick and I had it with me that day. I proceeded to yell and rush at the dogs swinging the stick and hitting the ground and trees as I approached the dogs. My charge worked and they broke and ran away.

I occasionally post my pre-teen sons to watch different roosts so we can cover more area when putting birds to bed. I don't like to think of the possible outcome if those dogs had happened onto one of my sons instead of me and he or they panicked and ran. From then on if I post my sons by them selves they are armed with one of my semi-auto .22s and I always carry now. If pigs encounters were a threat I would likely invest in a 10mm G20 as a cost effective alternative to a .44 magnum.

Glad the OP and his awesome daughter are OK.

Last edited by DTJager; 12/23/17.