Originally Posted by renegade50
Take him out shopping for one and let him shoulder different ones and then he can pick it out. He will let ya know which one feels right to him. He might already have one in mind. I bet he has been talking to all his friends about shotguns also. If he gets a synthetic butt stock model . Take off the recoil pad and stuff the hollow with a long screwdriver with jammed in Wal-Mart bags and one pound of fishing sinkers . Use 1 oz sinkers wrap each in a bag and surround with others for pad around em . Put most of em along the inside of the comb line, and about 4oz down in the toe. Tames down recoil and improves balance to right under receiver in natural center of gravity of gun. Just a suggestion that has worked for me on various shotguns. A Simms pad in combo with this works extremely well. And what this does for a 835 turkey gun recoil with 2 oz loads is amazing. I have used this method on a 935 and a h&r excell auto. Also have done this to .22 target rifles to add weight for a more stable rifle on bags and better center of gravity / balance.

Good stuff! Thank you! I have thought about doing something like that to add weight but never have. When working up loads I put a large, soft strap-on leg weight between my shoulder and the rifle butt and it reduces recoil considerably. The weight does far more to tame the recoil than the added padding.

The more I have looked into this the more I am wanting to buy a Benelli Super Nova pump for myself!